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Wednesday 15 May 2013

Complications - A Change of plan and Zine Group Updates

Due to the busy extra-commitments we have all had recently across Unit X, it's been increasingly difficult to arrange a day when all of our group members were free, and ready to explore our two locations (Platt and Lyme). 

As an essay deadline causes a dip in our productivity, blog posting and days available, we decided that due to my commuting into Manchester everyday, it would be wiser to focus my trip on a singular location, (as similar as possible to platt fields and Lyme park). 

As irritating as this development is to the project, (since I feel rather miffed that it's causing a small rift in the group between myself and the others), I've decided to choose the expansive Tatton Park in Knutsford as my location. 

Click Here

Personally, despite my annoyance at this, I still feel I can gain some interesting photos around the extremely large grounds, and make some natural based responses to my trip. 

My group are committed and brilliant, but I just can't help but feel a rift between us, since these setbacks have limited what I could actually get illustrating for our main project, delaying my work. 

I'm hoping my commitments to the other two Zines can fill up the workload and still allow me to branch out enough, but still slightly concerned. 

Hopefully my trip to Tatton will go smoothly!   

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