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Thursday 16 May 2013

The Tatton Park Visit - Lost Wanderer

After a lengthy walk across to the other side of the park, I began to stop and see some of surrounding natural scenes. The way the area opens up, and then closes as you walk into the more wooded areas is one of the best aspects of the park itself. I encountered very little in the way of anything man made, and saw some interesting formations made from collapsed trees. It had clearly been there for an incredibly long time judging by the hole it had left in the ground. Some had attempted to carve their initials into the woodwork.

Crossing more open hills, I area reminded me of the Lord of the Rings filming sets, with it's array similarities to the hills of New Zealand.

I encountered more deer, and eventually came across a small ford over an annex from the lake, which had spawned another smaller lake across onto the other side of the park. This was the only side of the lake that actually contained those traditional pond reeds. So far I'm being intrigued mostly by the colours and naturally grown elements of the area, which seem to strike at me the most. These are the incidents I feel like I want to draw upon from this visit so far.

I couldn't remember fully where I was going, and at this point, I was completely alone in a massive, expansive park. I decided that I'd follow the forest route towards Tatton Hall, hidden away in the distance, and see what I could see along the way.

Passing through a small wooded area, I came across more marked and listed trees, that looked even older than that the ones I previously encountered. One particular tree, (as seen above) actually began to crack and snap in the wind, showing it was becoming slowly damaged. I took a few pictures, since it seemed slightly inspiring. The massive crack down the center was another sign.

I also noticed various dens made from the fallen bark and branches, which were probably made by scouts. (I doubt the deer had anything to do with them to be honest...).

I was initially lost in this area, since a herd of deer were nearby, and I was advised on entry to the park not to get too close, so I went back the way I came, and decided to follow the road through the park. I carried on, taking a few more photographs along the way.

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