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Tuesday 14 May 2013

Group Zine Progression - The Rules

Post discussion Zine Rules and Outcome:

After we discussed a great deal of plans and possibilities for our Zine(s), (see brainstorming posts and group session zines) we settled on these six rules.

- Image Based (as illustrators, we want to express our zine through...well...illustrations!)

- No larger than A5 (Keeping to this particular size will keep out visual responses in line with each other

- Creative Binding (Giving our zine that handmade, appriciated asthetic for a change)

- Retain a DIY ideology (As above, we want this zine to feel personal and unique, like a handmade artbook)

- Arouse Curiosity and intrigue (Something I want to personally express is a semi-literal visual asthetic. small events that were personal to us, represented in our own visual ways)

- Amgiguity (Again, not too literal)

Our Zines:


We will take two trips to two similar but different locations, and record and respond to what we find there.

Playscape will be the Zine for the location of Lyme Park, owned by the national trust, with an expansive ground to explore, including a large ammount of wildlife such as Deer.

We will create four A5, ambigous yet interesting responses.


As above, this location will be based around the Platt Feilds park, and respond in the same ways to the first Zine.

"Photo Book"

This possible extra will feature photographs from our trips that inspired the outcome of the works we submit to our zines.

Overall, we want to focus on the pshycogeography of the areas, and personal responses to "place". I personally agree with the others when I say that through this particular setup, we can truly appriciate smaller details, and also possibly respond in ways which tribute the past zines and modernist zines as discussed in previous posts, by giving a "modern personal response, that contains traits of zine culture elements"

Personally looking foreward to this!

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